The Freedom team is presently 3,000 agents strong. Our agents are represented from 47 states and 7 countries... and growing!
What sets us apart is the collaboration on a more intimate level. This is what drives our Freedom Team agent's successes. We accomplish this with our initial onboarding strategy call, our Workplace interaction and our special private events.
White Glove Onboarding
We assist with the transition and provide a roadmap to understanding where to find what agents need at eXp. This includes personalized strategies for the growth opportunities, specific to their experience and desire.
Collaborative Experience
Our Workplace Group, private to Freedom Team members, is a wonderful social and collaborative experience, satisfying the need for personal interaction while delivering business benefits!.
Events and Education
Freedom Team hosts a weekly event designed to provide our agents with immediate strategies to gain more business. This is over-and-above the 80+ hours provided by eXp.
Attraction Training
Our Leadership group also hosts two weekly training sessions for agents who are interested in building income through agent attraction, helping our agents build their revenue share/retirement.