Mindset and Improvement

Start with these!  Some of these are from the multi-level industry, but they relate to this Rev Share effort!

We are Marshall (4-Minute Video)

Prime the Pump (5-Minutes Video) <- "This one rocks!"

Miracle On Ice (3-Minute Video)

Understanding the Partnership - Lisa Grossman (5-Minute Video)

The Strangest Secret (32-Minute Audio)

I Dreamed A Dream - Susan Boyle (6 Minutes)

The 10 Minutes that will Change Your Life - Zig Ziglar (11 Minutes)


Keep Working on Yourself - Jim Rohn (A 32-Minute Video)

The 7 Essential Pillars of Personal Development - Brian Tracy (7-Minute Video)

No Excuses! The Power of Self Discipline - Brian Tracy (4-Hour Video)

The 10 Lessons I Learned in SEAL Training - Admiral McRaven (16-Minute Video)

Top 5 Speeches with Lessons That Will Change Your Life - Life Lessons/Motiversity (10-Minute Video)

The Time You Have (In Jellybeans) - ZEFRANK (3-Minute Video)

Inspiration... How Great I Am - Vision Security (7-Minute Video)

NO EXCUSES - Ben Lionel Scott  (4-Minute Video)

The Greatest Sales Story - Maxwell Dongo (3-Minute Video)


Building Your Network Marketing Business - Jim Rohn (59-Minute Audio) <- "Best of All Time"


High Performance Habits - Brendan Burchard (Book)

Secrets of the Millionaire Mind - T. Harv Eker (Book)

Awaken the Giant Within - Tony Robbins (Book)

Atomic Habits - James Clear (Book)

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People - Stephen Covey (Book)

The Millionaire Mind - Thomas J. Stanley (Book)

The Millionaire Next Door - Stanley & Danko (Book)

Living with a SEAL - Jesse Itzler (Book)

Eat That Frog - Brian Tracy (Book)

Life by Design - Tom Ferry (Book)